401(k) App uses BOX Cloud Content

All documents available in the 401(k)App are stored in Box's secure cloud content environment. Rest assured your 401(k)App documents are secure and meeting the strictest requirement of FINRA. Click the Read More link to learn more about Box security features.

Document Retention (6+ years)

SOC 1 & SOC 2

Box Governance meets FINRA requirements

Secure and frictionless


Our awesome features

Key Features

Retention policies

Set retention policies with a disposition action at a global, folder, or file level across your content.

Legal holds

Preserve content for litigation by placing users or folders on legal hold. Holds can be for a set period of time, or continuous until the legal matter ends.

Advanced trash controls

Only allow admins and/or co-admins to permanently delete the trash.

Unlimited file versions

Maintain an unlimited amount of versions for all files.

Custom terms of service

Require all collaborators to view and agree to terms of service before accessing content in Box.

Compliance email archive

Automatically archive copies of communication activity to Box, including comments, tasks, emails to collaborators, and invitations to collaborate.

Information governance that actually works

Upgrade your information governance strategy with cloud content management. Box Governance provides the in-place lifecycle management your organization needs to reduce risk without impacting productivity. Streamline how you manage the lifecycle of the content that powers business processes with flexible retention schedules, preservation for defensible discovery, and disposition management.